The only thing I really wish to do with my life is to inspire someone. I want to touch someone's life so much that they can genuinely say that if they have never met me then they wouldn't be the person they are today. I want to save someone; save them from this cold, dark and lonely world. I wish to be someone's hero, someone that people look up to. I only wish to make a change, even if it's a small one. I just want to do more than exist.
Monday, June 17, 2013 with 0 Comment(s)
been wanting to blog about this since 2 days ago, but haven't really had the time to do so. so on 15 June, I was part of 2 guitar performances for my music schl concert (guitar trio I believe & guitar ensemble)!! it was pretty much fun, considering the rehearsals and jamming session we had on that day.

with the girls after we changed into our black outfits!

taken at backstage haha just before our performance! with Dorothy & Raihan! (:

'I believe' trio! ;) so blessed to be able to perform and rehearse with them. words can't describe how much we've bonded together. x

group photo with the girls hehe

group photo with the funniest and craziest and the best ppl in my life (:

with Mr Lim! HAHAHA

pretty pretty Sheena (;

Raihan! ^^ super talented guy and he's so funny at the same time!!

Cedric! (:

Leonard! (;

love you all xoxo☺

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